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An End To Resentment, Retaliation and Revenge - Church Services This Week Feb 17

Church Worship Services resume this week, February 17.

This week we examine the old saying "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" and Jesus' words about it.

It's painfully obvious that this philosophy drives people's lives all around us - at work, on the road, in language, in actions, in relationships, in families, in communities, between peoples and political parties and, as so forcefully demonstrated, in violence and wars. It's all too easy for it to drive ours. How do we escape the "eye for an eye" way of life?

These sayings of Jesus in Matthew 5:38-42 are among the many ignored, misunderstood, misused and misapplied of His teachings. What did He really mean?

We'll explore the many implications of these verses, how they can transform our entire way of being, and how to meet the challenge of the standard that Christ describes.

Join us for the service starting at 10 am:

'G' Block

Ellenbrook Christian College

North carpark entry

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